polytherianthropy, spirituality, and me

i call myself a polytherian. hell, its the name of my blog.
i see myself in so, so many animals, and for a really long time i used to be ashamed of it
because no "real therian" would identify with so many different creatures.

i've often found myself saying "it's easier to identify what animals i don't see myself in rather than specifically finding creatures i do."
i think this plays into my sense of spirituality- in an (now-deleted) blog post i mentioned that i see myself as some type of divine / eldritch creature.

i think i've been reborn so many times as so many different animals i see myself in dozens and dozens of different species. too many to properly list out.
the standout 'lifetimes' i've had are my "highest kins;" timelines that were memorable to me, and i still carry a "part" of that animal with me today.

for example, the first therian connection i discovered, the maned wolf. i have vivid memories of the life i lived as a maned wolf;
i remember sneaking through bushes, eating fruit, walking along the tall grass...

but i also am a maned wolf. sometimes the "soul" of the wolf will overtake my own and i am it, for a time. it is both a past and a present.
"soul" isn't exactly the right word; perhaps instinct is a better one? not sure. but i just... you know.

this happens for nearly all my 'types and 'kins. i have memories of being so many things.

it's also why i dont exactly hate being human. i chose this form for the same reason i'd previously chosen to be a wolf; to experience the mundanity of mortality.

this human form is just another timeline. i will live my silly little mundane life, it will die, and i'll select a new species to live as. they will live their silly little life, die, and the cycle will repeat.

this also plays a minor role in my plurality, (my headmates are "souls" that have hitchhiked a ride on this cycle of rebirth,)
but i feel like this rambling has gone on for too long. you understand.

- kip + habit

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